Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be & Me Student Writes to President Obama!

Recently, I was talking to Noriko, one of our students, about international affairs. Noriko believes in a nuclear weapon-free world. She was very disappointed that President Obama, who also believes in a nuclear weapon-free world, did so poorly in the American mid-term elections. She said she wanted to write a letter of support to him. So, that’s what she did!
Keiko, one of our other students, watches Noriko signing her letter to President Obama
Noriko imagining President Obama reading her letter

Here’s what she wrote…


December 27th, 2010

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I’m sorry to hear that the Democratic Party lost a lot of seats in this mid-term election. Most American people who have independent minds and regard nuclear weapons as a deterrent can’t or don’t want to understand your healthcare reform bill or your nuclear policy.

I think the 21st Century is an era of peaceful coexistence. Nuclear weapons and spent nuclear fuel are negative assets from human beings.

We – all living things on earth, including human beings – have to respect each other.

Some people say it’s just an ideal. So what? To translate ideals into reality – that’s the aim of politics.

Your speech moved me. You’re very brave!

When there are no nuclear weapons, please come to Japan, especially Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

In Kyoto, let me treat you to delicious macha ice cream. Let’s celebrate the victory of a nuclear-free world.

Yours sincerely,
Noriko Izumisawa

After signing the letter, Noriko decided to include a photo of some green-tea ice cream…

Noriko photographing green-tea ice cream

Next time President Obama comes to Japan, he might eat Noriko’s green-tea ice cream instead of a green-tea popsicle

Which world leader would you like to write to?
What would you say to them?

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